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Friday, November 21, 2008

Prime Minister VS Anime Director

Reporters asked Hayao Miyazaki, who is well known as the director
of GHIBLI anime, about the incumbent Japanese prime minister,
Taro Aso who loves mangas, and he answered "He should be
ashamed , It's not something he should profess".
And It's caused chaos on the web.

"Is it a criticizm of Otaku!?"
"Why the hell does the director of anime say that?"
"Well, I guess It's not what the top of the country should profess"

J-CAST asked the people concerned with this issue again.
They said "Mr. Miyazaki didn't say that people who liked mangas
were embarrassing. He said he had felt Prime Minister Taro Aso
was using manga to gain young supporters and it has

been going too far."

Well, a Prime Minister has a right to say whatever he wants
just like citizens. Everyone knows he likes mangas. It's not
like he started to like magas to gain supporters. So What's wrong?
Nothing huh?