Tackle the Japanese language!

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Legendary Day "GLAY EXPO 1999" 200,000 audiences Live Show

In 1999 in Japan, Some people were wondering if Nostradamus's
prophecy was going to be true and the earth was going to be gone.

Of course nothing happened and the prophet became the worst
liar in the history.

In the summer we had a legendary live show by GLAY called
"GLAY EXPO 1999" the audiences were 200,000 people.
Of course this is still the biggest live show in Japanese music history.
This is the first song of the live show of theirs. Check it out!


kiKa said...


Anonymous said...

Your blog is pretty interesting!! I love love love Glay too!! I am really glad that your favorite band is glay as well. Are you going for their Expo 2009? I wish I can make it, but the journey is too long. :(

Shin said...


Yeah it was!!


Thank you :) Do you love GLAY? Yeah they are soooo cool. I won't be able to go to their Expo. Since I don't know if I'm in Japan or not at the time.