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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who is the actress who has most beautiful skin in their late 30's and early 40's?

A cosmetic company, TBC, conducted the quetionare of which actress
has the most beautiful skin in their late 30's and early 40's.

And the actress, Miki Maya, was chosen as the woman.
She used to be in the production called Takarazuka which run
musical shows only by girls. She was always acting male role.
After she left the production, she started her career as an "actress"
Believe it or not, lots of girls want to belong to the production and
dream of acting on the stage. And lots of people apply for the school
to be a part of the production. (since they must graduate from the
school if they want to act on the stage.)

She used to act male roles but it doesn't mean she looks like a guy.
She is absolutely hot even though she is in her 40's.