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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mao Asada won The Grand Prix Final 2008!!

Mao Asada won The Grand Prix Final and took back the place
of the queen of Figure Skating!! She was in the 2nd place after
Kim Yu-Na when Short program was done. But she succeeded
having 2 triple axel jumps in a performance, which nobody had
done it and she came up from behind Kim Yu-Na and ended up
winning the competition!!

Since it took the place in Korea, Kim Yu-Na was advantaged and
Judge seemed to be easy on her. But she failed her jump.
It became a critical mistake after all.

I was really impressed. The competition was away for her since it
took the place in Korea. But She made a miracle and won the
competition. She lived up to her nick name "Miracle Mao"!